Monday, March 15, 2010

May I Have Your Attention Please!! and Mad Libs Results #19

Well, my lovelies. Today is a great day. A frabjous day. (Dang Alice in Wonderland. Can't stop thinking about it). Today, my friends, is The.Day.

Presenting.... The Secret Archives of the Alliterati! That's right, folks, we're launching today. Come on over and take a look-- yours truly has the inaugural post. And there might be some incentive there for you to stick around... she said mysteriously.


Ahem. On to Mad Libs Results.

From Shannon O'Donnell:

The ballplayer’s international trip had grown into a source of ecstasy among many hard fields, who complained smoothly to the White House that they were being forced to take a quick vote on bed care so Mr. Swisher and his family could leave on the overseas beer next week.

From Susan:

The farmer’s international trip had grown into a source of disgust among many lanky sunglasses, who complained merrily to the White House that they were being forced to take a quick vote on cable care so Mr. Butterman and his family could leave on the overseas egg next week.

From Matt:

The wallaby herder’s international trip had grown into a source of sadness among many brown wallabies, who complained swimmingly to the White House that they were being forced to take a quick vote on rancher care so Mr. Carnarvon and his family could leave on the overseas ranchhand next week.

From Deb:

The fortune-teller’s international trip had grown into a source of mystification among many turbid techies, who complained secretively to the White House that they were being forced to take a quick vote on lottery care so Mr. Devine and his family could leave on the overseas jackpot next week.

From Mary:

The roadkill worker’s international trip had grown into a source of trepidation among many tawdry fungi, who complained scrumptiously to the White House that they were being forced to take a quick vote on fence care so Mr. Rodriguez and his family could leave on the overseas laundry basket next week.

Well, the gratuitous use of the word "wallaby" is always a winner in my book. Congrats, Matt. But if I had to pick a second, I'd go for Susan's lanky sunglasses.

Happy Monday!!! And the Ides of March, apparently.

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