An Apology

Early in my Serious writing career, I wrote a manuscript featuring an out-of-my-lane protagonist. The narrative was in first person, and it was about racial experiences. At the time, I thought I was doing something Good, by bringing exposure to racial inequalities and the issues faced by people of color. Over the years, I've come to realize that this manuscript was a result of naive white privilege, and was both incredibly racist as well as completely inappropriate for me to write. I therefore have removed every mention and description of it (that I can find) from this website. I will never pursue publication of this manuscript again, am embarrassed by my earlier attempts to do so, and sincerely apologize to anyone who may have read about it here or elsewhere. I'm definitely still learning where my blind spots are, but I strive to do better everyday. If you see any further missteps on my part, I assure you they are unintentional, and my email is always open. 

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